Your gift will go directly towards giving students from a disadvantaged background the support they need to study at the University of Plymouth. Despite an unstable start in life, they have achieved the results needed to win a place and, with your help, their time here can set them up for life. Donate to support a bursary that could enable someone who’s had a tough start in life to accept their place here at the University of Plymouth. Read more
Your gift can support the team here to find new ways to diagnose and successfully treat slow-growing brain tumours, building on decades of progress for other cancers and working within a recently designed, custom-built facility. You can fund the brightest minds who are starting on their research careers to test more drugs and therapies, and make progress faster. And you can ensure they have the latest equipment they need to help save lives. Read more
Our teams were the first to describe the presence of microplastics in our oceans, inspiring a new field of academic enquiry and global policy change, including taxes on plastic carrier bags and a UK ban on microbeads. Our work has significantly improved how to forecast extreme coastal events and their impact on communities. We were also the first to study the ecological effects of ocean acidification, and now lead the UK agenda for offshore renewable energy. Read more